Assignments and Blog Schedule

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
By Sherman Alexie                                                                                         

For this novel, you will have reading quizzes, but your notes will be different for this book. The reading assignments are a little longer, and they will span several chapters. You will also use our class blog to post and comment on the reading.

Active Reading Tips for PTI

·       At the top of each page, write a phrase (1-3 words) that sums up the main point of the page (try to make this an inference or analysis –if not, make it an observation)
·       Sparsely underline 2-3 important quotes (meaningful, significant, thematic) per reading
·       Circle plot-base facts to help you keep the facts and plot straight
·       Star 2-3 key moments (epiphany/conflict/climax/tragedy/shocking statement) each reading
·       At the end of each reading, on the last page, write 3 important points/changes/conversations/ thoughts etc. that Junior encountered in the reading.

Guiding Questions for the entire novel:
1.     What internal and external forces impact Arnold’s identity?
2.     What happens when societal, cultural and familial expectations collide?
3.     In what ways do societal expectations impact our everyday lives?
4.     How does one navigate the differences between individual and group identity?

Friday 5/10 - Post Questions: 1-31
1.     John - Examine pages 5-6. Why does Arnold draw? What is the power of creative expression?
2.     Lidia - Examine the cartoon on page 12. What is the relationship between poverty and dreams?
3.     Lucy - Why does Junior say “it sucks to be poor…” (13)? What does “poverty teach you (13)”? Explain.
4.     Jackson - What is “absolutely the saddest thing in the world” (31)?  Explain why Junior says this and the implication.

Mon. 5/13 - Post Questions: 32-66
1.     Elizabeth - Delila - Interpret/explain/explore the context and significance of the quote “We were supposed to kill the Indian to save the child” (35).
2.     Mila - Chris - What is Mr. P’s advice to Junior? Why does he give this advice?
3.     Irfan - Carly - Interpret/explore/explain the context and the significance of the quote “Every white person on this res should get smashed in the face. But let me tell you this. All the Indians should get smashed in the face, too.” (42)
Tues. 5/14 - Post Questions: 48 - 73
1.     Zetty - Izzy - What do you make of Arnold’s relationship with his grandmother?
2.     Sophia - Describe how Penelope treats Junior – provide two specific examples. How does this relationship contribute to Junior’s understanding of himself/his identity?

Thurs. 5/16 - Post questions: 74 – 97
1.     Ryan - On pages 82-84, Junior explains how alone he feels. Why does he feel this way? How does what happens in science class reinforce this feeling?
2.     Michelle - Explain the significance/importance of the friendship with Gordy for Junior.

Fri. 5/17 - Post Questions: 98-132
1.     Elizabeth - Explore the irony of the discussion about Thanksgiving.
2.     Mila - Explain/explore Junior’s interaction with Rowdy’s dad. What are the implications? And what does Junior resolve/decide?
3.     Irfan - On pages 107-109, Junior tells us more about Penelope, and he learns her secret. Explain this situation and why he says “…she’s scared all the time, but nobody will let her be scared…” (108).
4.     Zetty - Sum up Rowdy and Junior’s discussion of Penelope (113-116). Why does Rowdy call Junior racist? Is he right?
5.     John - What does Arnold hide and ultimately reveal in “Dance Dance Dance?” What does he learn? Be sure to discuss the final sentence on page 129.
6.     Lidia - Examine page the final sentence on 132. Is there truth in this statement? What do notice about gender roles so far?

Mon 5/20 - Post Questions: 133 – 167
1.     Lucy - How did Junior make the basketball team? In what ways was this related to his conversation with his dad earlier?
2.     Jackson - Who is the first game against? How is he treated by the crowd at the first game? How does the team (and coach) react/support him? How does this impact him?
3.     Delila - In “Red Versus White” what does Junior realize about parents? What is the irony?
4.     Chris - What was Junior’s grandmother’s greatest gift? What has happened to Indians’ sense of tolerance? Why has that occurred?
5.     Carly - Examine the illustration on page 166 and the repetition of “laughter” on 166 and 167. What is the role of laughter in this chapter?

Tues. 5/21 DUE FRIDAY- Post Questions: 168 – 198
1.     Izzy - What is Arnold’s grieving ceremony? What connection do you see between this and the cartoon on 166?
2.     Sophia  - Summarize the cartoon on 182. What is the significance? What does it show about Junior? What is his dilemma?  
3.     Ryan - Summarize the outcome of the game. Why does Junior cry at the end? What does he realize?
4.     Michelle - Explain the humor/irony of the title of the chapter, “Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion About Basketball.”

Fri. 5/24 - Post Questions: 199 - 230
1.     A - F  - Why does Rowdy tell Arnold, “You killed her” (211)? Is there truth to this statement?
2.     G – K - Why does Junior cry on pages 216 and 217?
3.     L – N - At the end of the novel what does Junior realize about his own identity, his life and Rowdy?
4.     O – Z - Interpret/explain/explore the context and significance of the last line of the book (230).

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