Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why does Junior say “it sucks to be poor…” (13)? What does “poverty teach you (13)”? Explain.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Junior says, “It sucks to be poor. (p.13)” because he feels like not having any money is holding him back. He talks about how being poor makes him feel ugly and stupid. Junior also says that he is destined to be poor because he is an Indian. “…poverty only teaches you how to be poor. (p.13)” Junior says that there are no benefits from being in poverty. It only teaches you how to be poor. He feels like it teaches you how to accept being stupid and ugly. Junior resents himself and his family for being Indians.
Junior’s dog and best friend, Oscar, gets very sick and is suffering greatly. He wants to take him to the vet to get him help but his mother says they can’t afford to take him. Junior is upset, and lies with Oscar through his suffering. His dad comes out with his rifle and bullets and says he is going to end the dogs suffering. Junior doesn’t want his dad to kill his best friend, but he doesn’t argue with him. After his dad shoots Oscar, Junior runs away and is very upset. Junior says, “A bullet only costs about 2 cents, and anybody can afford that. (p.14)” His family didn’t have enough money to bring the dog to the vet to potentially save his life, but they could afford to end his life. This is another reason that Junior hates being a poor Indian. 

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